Medical Physics Residency – Diagnostic Radiological Physics Application Information

Applications must be submitted through the AAPM Medical Physics Residency Application Program (MP-RAP)

Our residency program only accepts candidates who are graduates of CAMPEP accredited medical physics graduate education programs to ensure that all graduate and undergraduate physics course requirements are met.

Application process

  • Allegheny Health Network will participate in the MedPhys MATCH Program. All applicants must be registered through the Medical Physics Matching Program. Once applicants are registered through MedPhys Match, applications must be submitted through the AAPM Medical Physics Residency Application Program (MP-RAP), including a CV and 3 reference letters.
  • Applications must be received by January 15 for a start date of July 1 of the same year.
  • Candidates for the first round of video-chat style interviews (30-min duration) will be contacted within ten business days following the application deadline.
  • The second round of interviews will take place in late February and early March. Candidates selected for the second round will be contacted the first week of February. A detailed interview schedule will be sent to second round invitees by February 5.
  • For more information or general enquiries, please contact the Director of the Diagnostic Residency Physics Program.