AHN cancer institute specialist talking to patient before a cancer treatment.

Radiation Oncology

AHN cancer specialist talking to patient off camera.

AHN Radiation Oncology Division

The AHN Cancer Institute is at the forefront of cancer treatment with advanced, cutting-edge radiation therapy and research.

The renowned cancer center participates in numerous national and international cancer studies, regularly publishes clinical research, and includes residency programs for both radiation oncology physicians and physicists.

Our department of radiation oncology is led by Dr. Chirag Shah and is dedicated to providing you with the best care possible, including access to the latest treatments. Not only are our radiation oncologists highly experienced in various types of cancer, but we are one of the few centers with access to innovative technology in the division of radiation oncology.

What is radiation therapy?

Radiation therapy uses x-rays to target and kill cancer cells. Using this precise and specialized approach helps ensure that radiation doesn’t harm other parts of your body, like your heart, lungs, or nearby organs. It may be used on its own or along with other treatments, such as chemotherapy or surgery. It can be delivered before or after surgery and can be used to help relieve symptoms of cancer. Your radiation oncologist will recommend a radiation therapy schedule with the number of treatments you’ll receive spread over a set period of time. Radiation therapy can be delivered using different technologies. The most common forms of oncology radiation treatment are:

  • External-beam radiation therapy: This method uses a machine outside the body to treat large parts of your body.
  • Internal radiation therapy: Also referred to as brachytherapy, this type of radiation therapy implants radioactive material into the cancer and your surrounding tissue.
AHN Medical professional talking to patient about her radiation therapy treatment..

Cancer treatments using radiation

Your cancer treatment radiation plan will be decided by your team of specialists depending on the type of cancer you have and any unique factors.

The AHN Cancer Institute has various locations so that you can find a convenient radiation treatment center near you. 

Radiation oncology treatment innovations at AHN

At AHN, our radiation oncologists are experts in the latest treatment innovations and are dedicated to helping you understand your care plan and how it works. Our radiation therapy department uses cutting-edge technology and groundbreaking therapy tailored to each patient for the best possible results.

MR-Linac – We are one of the few health centers in the country to offer MR-Linac as an oncology radiation treatment option. The breakthrough technology uses magnetic resonance images (MRI) and delivers radiation beams to the tumor tissue. Your doctor can view the tumor tissue in real time and adapt the radiation dose during the treatment, potentially resulting in fewer treatments and fewer side effects.

AHN cancer institute patient lying down and receiving cancer treatment. AHN cancer specialist talking to patient about the treatments. AHN cancer institute patient lying down and receiving cancer treatment. AHN cancer specialist talking to patient about the treatments.

Exercise oncology

The AHN Cancer Institute offers the first-of-its-kind Exercise Oncology and Resiliency Center at AHN Suburban – Bellevue. Led by physicians and certified physical training specialists, the center provides “exercise as medicine,” with a training plan personalized to each patient. The center aims to decrease treatment side effects, improve quality of life, and help produce better medical outcomes. The exercise program is available and encouraged for all cancer patients.

Benign disease

Beyond treating cancer, low doses of radiation therapy have been utilized to treat benign conditions. AHN radiation oncologists are leaders in these approaches including:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Plantar Fasciitis/Achilles Tendinitis
  • Keloids
  • Hidradenitis Suppurativa
  • Dupuytren’s contracture
  • Plant Warts
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia

Our radiation oncologists

Radiation oncologists at AHN are board-certified and have specialized training to treat different types of cancer. If radiation therapy is part of your treatment plan, a radiation oncologist will be part of your treatment team and work closely with other specialists to coordinate the best care for you.

The department is led by:

Chirag Shah, MD

Chirag Shah, MD

Department Chair

Athanasios Colonias, MD

Athanasios Colonias, MD

System Director Clinical Operations

Find a board-certified radiation oncologist close to you.

Stephen Abel, DO

Stephen Abel, DO

AHNCI Beaver/Clarion

Youssef M Arshoun, MD

Youssef M Arshoun, MD

Allegheny Valley Hospital

James Betler, DO

James Betler, DO

AHNCI Jefferson

Basem Dahshan, MD

Basem Dahshan, MD

AHNCI Forbes

Zachary Horne, MD

Zachary Horne, MD

West Penn Hospital

Tracy Klayton, MD

Tracy Klayton, MD

Armstrong Center for Medicine and Health

Daryl Makishi, DO

Daryl Makishi, DO

Peters Township

Ankur Patel, MD

Ankur Patel, MD

AHNCI West Penn/Beaver

Gunj Patel, MD

Gunj Patel, MD

AHNCI Jefferson

Paul B Renz, DO

Paul B Renz, DO


Bindu Rusia, MD

Bindu Rusia, MD


Conrad Stachalek, MD

Conrad Stachalek, MD

AHNCI Saint Vincent

Ryan VanDenBerg, MD

Ryan VanDenBerg, MD

AHNCI Saint Vincent

Additional radiation oncologists

For a full list of AHN radiation oncologists, use Find Care to locate one near you.

AHN Medical professionals talking about a treatment options.

Radiation oncology appointments

Our call center professionals can help you address your priorities, whether that’s a request for an appointment or a consultation close to your home or work.


Radiation treatment centers are available at several locations.

Need to make an appointment?

Call (412) 578-HOPE (412) 578-4673 to schedule an appointment at any location within the Allegheny Health Network Cancer Institute or connect with a nurse navigator.

Cancer clinical trials and research

The AHN Cancer Institute is a pioneer in cancer research and participates in clinical trials of new radiation oncology treatments that are open for patients who qualify and wish to participate. Patients are screened for consideration with ongoing clinical trials at every stage of their treatment.

What is a clinical trial?

Clinical trials are studies that try to answer questions about new ways to treat cancer with medications, radiation, or surgical techniques. Previous trials have shown how new methods of treatment improve survival and quality of life and reduce the risk of cancer returning.

You participate in a clinical trial only if you volunteer to do so and meet criteria for inclusion in the study. You can stop participating in a trial at any time.

Who can join a clinical trial?

The plan for the trial, called a protocol, explains the goal of the trial and how the study will be conducted. Based on the questions the research is trying to answer, each clinical trial protocol outlines specific criteria necessary to be eligible to join the trial.

Common criteria for entering a trial are:

  • Having a certain type or stage of cancer.
  • Having received a certain kind of therapy in the past.
  • Being in a certain age group.

Federal rules help ensure that clinical trials are run in an ethical manner, with your rights and safety protected. These rules ensure that you’re not put at increased risk by participating in the trial, and that the results of the study are accurate and meaningful.

Currently active cancer clinical trials

If you would like to participate in a clinical trial and help our innovative team discover groundbreaking cancer solutions, ask your doctor if you’re eligible to participate in one. The following list is not exhaustive and is subject to change. AHN will update the list regularly, so refer to it for new clinical trials. 


  • Pre op SRS for Brain Mets
    • Brain metastases patients with plans for surgery
    • Primary Investigator: Rodney Wegner, MD
  • SHUTTLE study for GBM (radiosensitizer)
    • MGMT Unmethylated GBMo
    • Primary Investigator: Rodney Wegner, MD
  • NRG BN-011 
    • MGMT Methylated GBM
    • Primary Investigator: John Herbst, DO
  • ROADS study (post op SRS vs. Gamma Tile)
    • Brain metastases patients with plans for surgery
    • Primary Investigator: Matthew Shepard, MD
  • Gamma Tile Registry
    • All Gamma Tile patients
    • Primary Investigator: Matthew Shepard, MD


  • MA 39 (regional rt in biomarker low risk)
    • Node positive breast cancer
    • Primary Investigator: James Betler, DO
  • BR007 (De escalation stage 1)
    • Stage I Breast cancer
    • Primary Investigator: Mark Trombetta, MD
    • DCIS patients
    • Primary Investigator: Bindu Rusia, MD


  • ENACT Trial, pancreas acoustic therapy
    • Locally advanced pancreas cancer patients
    • Primary Investigator: Paul Renz, DO
    • Limited metastatic colorectal cancer
    • Primary Investigator: Patrick Wagner, MD


    • Sublobar resection vs. SBRT for high risk early stage NSCLC
    • Primary Investigator: Benny Weksler, MD


  • NRG GU 009 (high risk, genomic, de escalate)
    • High risk prostate cancer
    • Primary Investigator: James Betler, DO
  • NRG GU 010 (int risk, genomic)
    • Intermediate risk prostate cancer
    • Primary Investigator: James Betler, DO

Exercise Oncology 

  • EXERT-C 
    • Any cancer patient 
    • Primary Investigator: Colin Champ, MD 
  • Ex Onc Sled 
    • Any cancer patient, focus on horizontal resistance 
    • Primary Investigator: Colin Champ, MD 
  • NEOCRT (exercise, pancreas) 
    • Pancreatic cancer patients 
    • Primary Investigator: Colin Champ, MD 
    • Breast Cancer Patients 
    • Primary Investigator: Colin Champ, MD 
  • EXERT BCH (hypertrophy) 
    • Breast Cancer Patients 
    • Primary Investigator: Colin Champ, MD

MR Linac

  • MRL Imaging and Analysis
    • All MRL patients
    • Primary Investigator: Danny Lee
  • MOMENTUM Registry
    • All MRL patients
    • Primary Investigator: Paul Renz, DO
  • Sarcoma pre op SBRT

For more information, see which clinical trials are currently active and open for participation.

Refer your patient to an AHN Cancer Institute specialist

There are two ways for medical professionals who are not a part of Allegheny Health Network to refer their patients to an AHN Cancer Institute specialist and request their first appointment. You can:

  1. Call (412) 578-HOPE (412) 578-4673 to speak with an AHN Cancer Institute scheduling coordinator.
  2. Go to Find Care to find the right AHN specialist and the most convenient location. Then refer your patient, provide relevant patient details, and request an appointment directly from the doctor's profile.

For more information about referring your patient to an AHN specialist, read the Independent Physician Referral FAQs.

Dr. Coopey chatting with two other AHN cancer institute specialist while walking down a hallway.

Follow your patient's health care at AHN with EpicCare® Link™

After referring your patient to an AHN specialist, use the EpicCare Link platform to collaborate with their AHN specialist and view your patient's test results, treatment plan, and progress.

Log in to your EpicCare Link account now.

If you are new to EpicCare Link or need to request your own EpicCare Link account, read: EpicCare Link for Patient Follow-up for user instructions and new account request forms.

When EpicCare Link is not an option for patient's AHN medical records

If you can’t access your patient's AHN test results through the EpicCare Link platform, your patient will need to complete and submit the correct AHN Medical Records Release form based on their state of residency. Support your patient’s request by downloading the correct medical records release form for them:

EpicCare® is a registered trademark of Epic Systems Corporation and used with permission.

EpicCare® Link™ is a trademark of Epic Systems Corporation and used with permission.

AHN Cancer Institute Appointments and Access

Learn more about our appointment options, second opinions, locations, referrals, and resources that are at your disposal.