RAVE stands for Recognize and Acknowledge Valued Employees, and it’s our way of honoring those who provide exemplary care or service to a patient, a patient’s relative, friend, or even a fellow AHN employee.

At Allegheny Health Network, our patients are our first priority, and we make a point to treat each and every one with compassion, integrity, and dignity.
Even with this high standard, there may be opportunities for AHN employees to go above and beyond the call of duty: enter the RAVE Program.
RAVE stands for Recognize and Acknowledge Valued Employees, and it’s our way of honoring those who provide exemplary care or service to a patient, a patient’s relative, friend, or even a fellow AHN employee.
Did you see an employee handle a difficult situation exceptionally well? Did a nurse, orderly, doctor, or other caretaker go the extra mile to make a patient or his or her friend or family member more comfortable during their visit to an AHN facility? Did you witness an AHN employee perform an act of generosity or exemplary kindness for one of his or her colleagues?
If you’ve had a great experience with one of our employees or witnessed one going above and beyond the call of duty for a patient or colleague, please consider nominating this person for a RAVE award today.
RAVE award winners are recognized on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. You’ll know a RAVE award winner when you see one: they wear the iconic RAVE pin on their ID badge as a visible reminder of their kindness, leadership, and service.
Are you a health care professional?
We are continually researching new ways to prevent, detect, and treat disease. Find specialists for your patient and discover educational opportunities for you.