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Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

Medical Research Track

Our Medical Research Track aims to recruit and train exemplary physician-scientists.

While the benefits of biomedical research and training of physician-scientists are evident, opportunities for residents to participate in intensive research activities can be limited during residency due to scheduling constraints.

Our Medical Research Track (MRT), aims to recruit and train exemplary physician-scientists.  This track places our residents in the research labs and programs affiliated with the Allegheny Health Network for a longitudinal and intensive curriculum and training in their area of interest. 

Each year, two incoming residents will be selected for our MRT based on their prior experiences and qualifications, and potential to succeed in their area of interest. Each resident will be enrolled in the track for the entire three years of their medical training.  

The Medical Research track is directed by Dr. Susan Manzi and Dr. Anastasios Kapetanos.

Track Description

Year One: Preparation
Residents will lay the groundwork for and will begin designing their research projects

  • Residents will spend at minimum one one-half day every fifth week with their mentor or on tasks assigned by their mentor
  • Residents will review foundational literature, develop their research question, and plan/budget their project during this foundational year
  • Residents will attend relevant local, regional, and national conferences in their area of study as their schedule permits

Year Two: Execution
Residents will have the time to take their project to from idea to completion.

  • Residents will have extensive time devoted to carrying out the bulk of their research projects, including:
  • Three, 4-week blocks devoted to research
  • Each of the three 4-week blocks will also have two 1-week blocks of ambulatory medicine
  • During ambulatory blocks, residents will attend their continuity clinic, but all other time will be devoted to their lab/program
  • Upon competition of the third 4-week block, track residents will shift focus to writing and publishing their results

Year Three: Dissemination
Residents will share the fruits of their work with the academic medical community

  •  Residents will continue to spend one one-half day every fifth week with their mentor related to publishing or conducting additional work as directed by their mentor
  • Residents will be expected to present at least one abstract and one peer-reviewed publication based on their project
  • Resources and funding will be available to facilitate these goals