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Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

About Your Stay at Forbes Hospital

Coronavirus Policy Updates

We have changed our visitor policies. Please note, the information on this page may not be accurate.

Patient care services

Belongings / valuables

Forbes Hospital has a process and designated area for the safekeeping of your valuables such as money, credit cards and jewelry. You will be asked to sign a Valuables Form and send home, whenever possible, those items which are not necessary for your hospital stay. You will receive a receipt of the stored items, which can be presented at discharge to retrieve your possessions.

Billing and collection

When you are admitted (or earlier, if you were pre-admitted), we ask you for specific insurance information so we can properly bill you or your insurance carrier. Most patients enter the hospital with some form of insurance coverage. There are many different kinds of insurance, and benefits vary depending upon the type of insurance or specific policy you have. We will do our best to ensure that you receive the maximum benefits to which you are entitled under your particular policy. If you do not have insurance coverage, or have any other questions, call the Patient Accounts Department at (412) 858-2500 to speak with a representative for financial counseling.

Charity care program

As a fundamental part of its mission, Allegheny Health Network (AHN) is committed to providing treatment to anyone who turns to it for needed care, regardless of their ability to pay. In this context, the System and its hospitals recognize the challenges faced by the increasing numbers of uninsured patients in the region. To assist these patients, WPAHS has in place programs and policies to ease the financial burdens for the uninsured. Should you have any questions regarding our policies and payment plans, please contact a Customer Service Representative at the hospital related to your care. For more information, please click on the following:

Dietetic services

Dietetic Services provides enjoyable, nutritious meals as part of your total care. Our menus offer several selections each day that provide variety and meet individual needs. Many patients require a diet with modifications, and your daily menu may act as a teaching guide to healthy eating habits. Our clinical staff and volunteers distribute menus daily and are available to assist you in selecting items that conform to your diet plan. Registered dietitians can provide nutritional assessments and diet counseling. If you need this service, please ask your nurse to contact a dietitian. Guest meals are provided upon request – with a minimum of one hour notice – charged to your account and payable upon discharge. Kosher and vegetarian meals are also available.

The hospital cafeteria, located on the second floor, offers delicious and nutritious foods. Breakfast is available daily 6:30 AM to 10:30 AM Lunch is available 11:15 AM to 2:00 PM on Monday through Friday (and until 1:30 PM on weekends). Dinner is available from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM For your convenience, vending machines are available on the first floor by the patient entrance and next to the cafeteria on the second floor. The machines carry a variety of snacks and are operational at all times.

Gift shop

The Gift Shop is located in the visitors' lobby on the second floor, north wing. The shop offers a wide selection of items and a varied price range to meet the needs of all our guests. Business hours: Monday through Friday, 11:00 AM to 6:30 PM and 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM on weekends.

Language services

Forbes Hospital has volunteer interpreters available to help with many foreign languages. The hospital also has available persons who sign for the deaf. Your nurse can arrange for someone to assist you with your needs.

Library services

Volunteers circulate a book cart through patient floors and waiting rooms. Current issues of magazines and a wide selection of paperback books are also available in the Volunteer Services Department. Call (412) 858-2591 with specific requests.

Lost and found

If you lose an item during your stay, please call the Security Department at (412) 858-2402. A Security Office will check the lost and found to see if your item has been recovered. The Lost and Found hotline is an automated service. Leave your name, telephone number, and a brief description of the lost item. Your lost item will then be recorded in a log. If your item is found, Security will notify you via telephone. The Lost and Found Hotline is (412) 858-2739.


Mail is delivered once a day, Monday through Friday and picked up by each unit. To avoid postal delays, please ask your family and friends to address your mail as follows:

(Your Name)
Forbes Hospital

(Your Unit - Room Number)
2570 Haymaker Road
Monroeville, PA 15146

Also, a return address (patient's home address) should be included in case the mail is undeliverable. Stamped, first-class mail can be deposited in the mailbox near the second floor visitor elevators.

Overnight accommodations

The hospital will attempt to provide on-site sleeping accommodations for family members in emergency situations. The decision to provide accommodations is made on an individual basis, usually by the nursing supervisor. Please speak with your nurse.

Pastoral care

Clergy from all faiths are welcome to visit members of their congregations who are in our care. Chaplains and area clergy of various denominations are available to provide pastoral care. New Testaments with Psalms are available in each patient room. Complete Bibles and other religious literature are available from the Pastoral Care office by request. If you would like a pastoral visit, call (412) 858-2960 or notify your nurse. A non-denominational meditation room is available on the second floor, north wing, adjacent to the visitors' lobby and Volunteer Services Department. The chapel is open 24 hours a day for patients and visitors to spend quiet time alone or with friends and family.

Patient and guest relations

The physicians and staff of Forbes Hospital are dedicated to making our patients and visitors as comfortable as possible. We are committed to treating our guests with competence, compassion, and courtesy.

Our physicians, nurses and other members of our healthcare team are dedicated to responding to patients' needs and answering their questions. Also, our Patient and Guest Relations staff are dedicated to assisting our patients and visitors, answering their non-medical questions and providing further service to enhance their stay at our hospital.

Representatives from Patient and Guest Relations identify and act upon improvement opportunities presented by hospital patients and guests. Physicians, patients, families, and visitors rely on Patient and Guest Relations to address special needs, identify and seek solutions to problems and represent their interests.

You can reach a department representative by calling (412) 858-2700. After regular business hours, please notify the unit supervisor if a situation requires immediate attention.

After your discharge, a self-addressed, stamped patient survey may be mailed to your home. Please take a few minutes to complete and return the survey. Your comments help us evaluate and improve our services to effectively meet our patients' needs.


Forbes Hospital has security officers on duty 24 hours a day to provide related assistance. You may contact the Security Department at (412) 858-2402.


All patient rooms have telephones for your use. Directions for telephone use are printed on each phone. Special amplified receivers are also available for the hearing impaired by contacting your nurse. There is a daily charge for this service billed on your home telephone bill. If you do not want telephone service, please notify your unit nurse.


All patient rooms are equipped with a television with local cable programming. Patient education programs are available to all patients, free of charge, on Channel 40. A channel directory is available on Channel 37. When using the TV set, please be considerate of others. Remember to keep the volume low, especially after 10:00. A closed caption device is available for the hearing impaired by contacting your nurse.