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Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

image of AHN Jefferson Hosptial
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Local Philanthropists Take Action to Provide Relief & Recovery During COVID-19

PITTSBURGH, Pa -With a generous $100,000 gift to Allegheny Health Network, Pittsburgh natives Bruce and Barbara Wiegand are providing significant assistance to AHN Jefferson Hospital for medical staff and frontline workers to ensure they have the personal protective equipment (PPE) and necessary supplies to more safely treat COVID-19 and other patients. Their daughter, Laura Wiegand, MD, is an orthopaedic surgeon at AHN Jefferson Hospital.

“We’re basically in a war against this virus,” says Bruce, “and it’s time for all of us to do what we can. At our age, we have to be particularly careful and should not risk physical proximity to others, but the monetary option is something we can do. It’s important for people who have the capability to join the fight, especially in helping frontline medical personnel. Without them, we don’t have much of a defense against this virus. Laura could potentially be exposed, and that was a strong motivating factor to protect her and the rest of the frontline caregivers.”

Bruce and Barbara Wiegand have joined AHN’s #stayHOMEteam and are safe and healthy sheltering in their home in Naples, Fla., yet sadly separated from their children and grandchildren. Since they can’t deliver meals for those in quarantine or drive patients to medical appointments, they were motivated to support AHN’s COVID-19 Assistance Fund by providing immediate financial resources to AHN. They hope to inspire others to do something too, no matter how big or small.

“It’s imperative that we keep our frontline medical personnel and professional staff protected,” says Bruce, the former president and CEO of The Phillips Companies. “They are the heroes in this crisis.”

Barbara had two positive medical experiences at Jefferson Hospital recently. The Wiegands’ gift will not only enhance the protection of hospital staff but will also augment AHN’s abilities and supplies to treat patients and save lives during this pandemic.

“For me, it’s the feeling of gratitude,” Barbara says. “I’m alive and healthy. My husband is alive and healthy. Our adult children and their spouses and our grandchildren are alive and healthy.”

“Bruce and Barbara Wiegand exemplify what it means to be philanthropic leaders during this challenging time,” says Allie Quick, chief philanthropy officer at AHN. “This generous gift speaks directly to their values and those at the heart of our Pittsburgh community. Their support will impact so many employees at AHN Jefferson Hospital and ensure members of our community continue to receive the high quality and compassionate care they have come to expect from AHN."

“Thank you, Bruce and Barbara Wiegand, for your generosity in support of AHN Jefferson Hospital,” adds Louise Urban, president at AHN Jefferson hospital. “We are extremely grateful for your act of kindness and the comfort that your gift brings to the AHN Jefferson team during this extraordinary time.”

“Not only is giving good for the heart and good medicine, but it helps to bring hope and healing at a time of self-isolation and uncertainty,” says Barbara.

For more information on how to give back, visit

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