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Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

AHN Foot and Ankle Institute Receives Grant from The Podiatry Foundation to Research Post-Surgery Healing

Pittsburgh, PA — The Allegheny Health Network (AHN) Foot and Ankle Institute is studying whether vitamin D deficiency affects healing rates in patients who undergo elective foot and ankle fusion surgery, thanks to a generous grant from The Podiatry Foundation.

To supplement this research, the Podiatry Foundation awarded a grant of $11,257.78 to AHN, to be wholly funded by January 2022. This grant will fund the study of 150 podiatry patients for up to one year

With the grant, the AHN Foot and Ankle Institute hopes to understand whether patients undergoing foot and ankle fusion procedures should be routinely screened for deficiencies and supplemented with vitamin D. With this research, physicians can make more effective treatment decisions and update treatment guidelines for podiatry patients.

“The generous grant from The Podiatry Foundation allows AHN to continue research that improves the lives of our patients”, said Allie Quick, AHN Chief Philanthropy Officer. “We are so grateful and we are eager to see the outcome of the study.”

Currently, there are no “best practice” recommendations specific to foot and ankle surgery.  However, a pilot study led by Kyle Moore, DPM, AACFAS, published in the Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery showed that vitamin D deficient patients undergoing foot and ankle surgery are eight times more likely to experience healing problems. The study won second place from AHN during a residency research conference and second place for a poster exhibit at ACFAS.

During the upcoming study, patients will be split into two groups—one group will take vitamin D tablets once a week for 12 weeks before and after their surgery, and the other group will receive a placebo. Participants will be followed for a year after their procedure and will be assessed by physical exam and imaging.

The study, beginning June 1, 2020, will be conducted at four sites within AHN; West Penn Hospital, Forbes Regional Hospital, Twin Towers, and Steel Valley Orthopedics & Sports Medicine. Data analysis will be completed by September 2022.

Additionally, AHN plans to publish the results of this study in a peer-reviewed journal with recommendations for or against the use of vitamin D before and after surgery. This scientific paper will be submitted to The Podiatry Foundation by March 2023.

A secondary goal of this research is to determine whether vitamin D helps heal patients more quickly and whether it improves pain and patient function after surgery. If the study finds that vitamin D does aid in healing, AHN will institute new treatment guidelines, recommending that podiatry patients supplement with vitamin D before and after their procedure. 

To learn more about podiatry at AHN, visit the AHN foot and ankle division.

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