Friday, June 21, 2024

Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

Change Healthcare provided a variety of services to AHN, Highmark and thousands of other healthcare providers, pharmacies and insurance companies across the western PA region and country. 

Change Healthcare and United Healthcare (Change’s parent company) announced on June 20 that they did experience a data breach as a result of the February cyber incident and are still investigating the scope and volume of data exposed.

Change plans to issue written letters to affected individuals beginning in late July.

In the interim, Change has posted a substitute notice to its website (available here), which includes an overview of the incident, types of information impacted, and steps individuals can take to protect themselves. 


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