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Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

Skin Cancer Treatment

At Allegheny Health Network Cancer Institute, you can expect compassionate care and advanced treatment options. We use the latest technologies and therapies, such as mole mapping and immunotherapy. Our skin cancer specialists are with you at every step. We work with you to find the most effective treatment option for your needs.

Skin cancer treatment at AHN

Although skin cancer is common, a diagnosis can be frightening. Remember, at the Cancer Institute, you’re never alone. You will find treatment that is:

  • Personalized: Our skilled team of dermatologists, oncologists, pathologists, and surgeons offer the latest targeted, minimally invasive surgeries or therapies pinpointed to the type of skin cancer you have.
  • Patient-centric: Our Navigation Team helps coordinate appointments, answers questions about symptoms and treatment options, and provides logistical support if you need to travel. We help lift the burden of logistics so you can focus on getting better.
  • Compassionate: Cancer treatment is a stressful time. Our compassionate team of caregivers is devoted to improving your quality of life, helping you understand treatment options, and keeping you comfortable every step of the way. Our robust support services help you live the best quality of life during treatment.
  • Collaborative: Your treatment team works together to identify the right treatment for you, whether it’s surgery, medical oncology, or radiation therapy.

Treatment options for skin cancer

Fortunately, most skin cancers respond well to treatment. In fact, many basal and squamous cell cancers are very treatable.

Melanoma is a more aggressive form of skin cancer that can be life-threatening if left untreated. Our pathologists are skilled in melanoma detection. They are adept at staging and tracking its growth. This level of precision helps your team tailor a treatment option just right for you.


Our highly skilled surgeons utilize the latest techniques and technologies. They collaborate closely with oncologists, dermatologists, and pathologists to determine the best surgical approach for you. Our advanced surgical options include:

  • Cryosurgery: This technique uses liquid nitrogen to freeze small, early skin cancer and precancerous lesions called actinic keratosis.
  • Excisional surgery: We surgically remove cancerous tissue and a very small area of surrounding healthy skin.
  • Curettage and electrodesiccation: This form of surgery involves scraping away layers of cancer cells using a circular blade (curet). We then destroy any remaining cancer cells with an electric needle.
  • Plastic and reconstructive surgery: This cosmetic surgical procedure helps restore your appearance after an excessive amount of skin or tissue has been removed.

Radiation therapy and medical oncology

If the cancer has spread, we use advanced treatments to stop cancer in its tracks:

  • Radiation therapy: We deliver high-dose radiation beams directly to a tumor. Targeting only the tumor minimizes your overall radiation exposure. We are also the only radiation oncology network accredited in western Pennsylvania by the American College of Radiology. This accreditation means AHN meets specific guidelines for patient safety, quality control, and efficiency of equipment. You’re receiving the highest-quality treatment available.
  • Immunotherapy: We may recommend oral immunotherapies for melanoma that has metastasized (spread) beyond the lymph nodes. Our oncologists are at the forefront of melanoma research and use the newest drug therapies, including new treatments like ipilimumab and pembrolizumab.

Contact us

Call the AHN Cancer Help Line anytime at (412) NURSE-4-U (412) 687-7348 to schedule a cancer-related appointment or to just talk with our nurses about diagnoses, treatments, and side effects.

Monthly and weekly cancer screenings

Early cancer detection saves lives. See AHN cancer screening dates, locations, and eligibility requirements for each screen offered. Then, call to register for your cancer screenings.