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Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

women posing for a picture in front of the womens plus infants center sign

New Moms Find Joy at Wexford Hospital

Erika Frick, BSN, RNC-NIC stood at the doors of AHN Wexford Hospital’s Women and Infants Center the way you hope any nurse in labor and delivery would, exuding confidence but oozing compassion.

She had a smile beneath her mask that came through in the kindness in her eyes, and a welcoming enthusiasm in her voice that bounced off the walls.

For many mothers, a visit to the labor and delivery unit of a hospital brings back memories of tears, joy, fear, frustration, and exhaustion. Erika takes pride in developing a department that is instrumental in making these memories.

“Creating a new labor and delivery unit was simply unbelievable,” Erika said. “It was a lot of preparation and organization that went into it. By far the most rewarding thing I've done in my career was to watch it go from dreaming to blood, sweat, and tears, to full-on success — with the birth of our first baby.”

Dedicated employees make for happy families

When Erika talks about the employee culture within the hospital, she explains how it directly impacts the care that moms, babies, and families receive when they come to deliver.

“From our president, Dr. Allan Klapper, on through, everyone takes the time to learn each other’s names and where we came from,” said Erika. “We all built it together, so we all have this pride. It feels like it's truly ours because we worked so hard to make it what it is. We want it to come across in every aspect of care. It truly feels like a community.”

This culture makes sure the staff members feel supported as health care workers. They know their work is appreciated and valued.

“I think patients can sense that teamwork and support,” she continued. “And in the end that gives them a better experience. The care is simply better when everyone is working as a team.”

Easy access and coordinated care

Erika acknowledged the overdue need for access to a labor and delivery unit and a neonatal intensive care unit, or NICU, in the North Hills. But it wasn’t enough to simply have access for moms and babies. They wanted to create a system of cohesive care that was top shelf.

The unit has several labor and delivery rooms, 10 postpartum rooms, and two caesarian delivery operating rooms. The hospital also has advanced neonatal and high-risk pregnancy services.

“The thing that I'm most proud of is the way that our entire unit has truly become the Women and Infants Center,” she explained. “We're not labor nurses, we’re not postpartum nurses, we’re not NICU nurses — we’re the nurses of the Women and Infants Center. “

“So, if your baby has to go to the NICU, your labor nurse is in tune with what’s happening in the NICU. We all share a break room. We all share a locker room. For us, it’s this: Save moms. Save babies. Period.”

women posing for a picture in front of medical equipment women attending to an infant

Special amenities for a special occasion

Families delivering at AHN Wexford can enjoy spacious rooms with floor-to-ceiling windows, personal gifts, and comfortable beds in the room for mom, baby, and partner.

AHN Wexford also has:

  • A beautiful outdoor terrace, the perfect place for a pre- or post-delivery walk.
  • A spacious waiting room for more family members and friends. 
  • Austin’s playroom, the perfect place for a brother or sister to wait for their new sibling.
  • Perinatal and postpartum services  to help keep new moms feeling their best.

Special care for tiny babies

The Level II NICU is for premature babies or those who need extra attention. The NICU has separate private rooms for these families to be with their babies.

“These parents deserve the time to bond with their infant as parent and primary caretaker in this really difficult time,” Erika said.

“I think giving them that privacy, with a door that they can close or a curtain they can pull, is important,” she said. “We have a monitor that we can watch from outside of the room, so it gives the parents a moment to just be a parent and not have to worry about being in the way. They have the privacy to handle that day however they need to and feel comfortable showing their emotions.”

As families make decisions on where they are going to deliver their babies, Erika wants them to know if they choose Wexford, they are going to be supported.

“We’re not just going to help you safely deliver your baby, but we’re going to help support you through this change in your life and make it a positive experience whatever the outcome may be.”

Learn more about working at Wexford Hospital.

AHN Wexford Hospital brought new jobs that span a range of vocations to the North Hills. Join a team that is revolutionizing the patient experience by reviewing current AHN job opportunities and career opportunities for nurses.